While largely still in beta it has taken quite a leap from its original release. Currently it's seeing release on PC/PS4 with rumors of a Xbox One release floating around the internet. If you're not all that familiar with the title I'm talking about you can check it out on Steam or go to this web address https://warframe.com/
I can say that since its PC inception this has become a great game and now with its PS4 release it's even better. The controller just makes things 10x Easier. It allows you to parkour fluidly and gives you easy access to your powers menu while making combat fun and accessible to even the most veteran Warframe players. Graphically speaking its about the same. Despite the fact that PC will always be better in this department the PS4's native 1080p and solid frame-rates leave very little to be desired. Not only that but because of the slow launch of PS4 titles. The entire Warframe community there tends to feel a lot larger than on the PC, making for easier matchmaking during peak hours of PS4 usage.
If you're a lazy bum like me the tl;dr is its a third person robot ninja shooter with parkour action. It deserves to be checked out either on the PC or the PS4. Though I highly recommend PS4.
If you're looking for some video of this game I'll upload some pc gameplay at a later date. Or you if you're really eager you can look for it on YouTube. :)