Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Killzone Shadow Fall-on-its-face.

Well last time I promised a video review of the PS4 which is coming I just don't have time to film it this week. Which is why I figured I'd post another text review. So without further ado lets move on to the review.

While I've actually enjoyed some of the previous Killzone titles. This entry into the franchise however, just falls flat in comparison. Sure there's some improvements here and there, but by in large, not enjoying their latest entry into the series.

Killzone whether we want to admit it or not has long been about the story mode. They've always delivered a fairly riveting story wrapped up with tight combat and good visuals. However, this entry just seems to be more about the visuals than anything else. Even sacrificing the visceral combat of past games to push the envelope of the pretty rendered environments.

Graphics: Compared to other FPS titles out right now namely COD/ Battlefield. I'd have to say Killzone's rendered graphics look the best. If not the best. Sure some might argue that battlefield has established itself with pre-rendered cutscenes and nonsense of the like but in terms of raw Graphical ingenuity and presentation I'd definitely say Killzone takes the cake. My jaw dropped several times visiting each new backdrop. From the bustling metropolis to the deep lush forests. Killzone's visual acuity hits it right out of the ballpark. Normally you're too wrapped up in the combat to care. However, the one thing that Killzone does right is inadvertently present jaw dropping visuals in the most casual way. The nice thing is that you're able to enjoy all of this nice scenery even when in combat. So definitive props to Guerrilla Games to for making it's game so beautiful. 10/10 for Graphically impressing the shit out of me.

Gameplay: Here's where the game suffers. Unfortunately, I think Guerrilla got so wrapped up in graphical work that their gameplay drastically suffered. I came into the game with expectations of sneaking around. Perhaps that's my fault, having played all other titles in the series. But, you know with the title Shadow Fall-> I expected to spend more time in the "shadows." Sadly this isn't the case, the game is mired in pretty up front combat. Of course none of it is in the good polished sense of last-gen's Killzone 3 either. The AI are either brutal or dumb as rocks in this title. I can't be sure which is better, but mixing them together didn't endear themselves to me either. There were segments of the game where I'd be doing fine only to get flanked  and nailed in the face. Other times the enemy would just stand around and take shots to the face like a good little boy. It's like Guerrilla brought the AI to a candy store and the AI didn't know what to pick Dum Dums or Pop Rocks. Gunplay is slow like previous titles. Well not slow in the sense of controls but slow in the sense of enemies. there just weren't enough in my opinion. I could easily just hide behind cover and let the NPC's kill each other there were so few enemies.

 It's rare that I review the multiplayer section with the gameplay. But, because Killzone's entry is more about story less about person vs person I'll just stick it with this. Multiplayer is just like past entries that tried to do it, it's a tacked on slog. Literally they took whatever was fun about playing with other people and just made it un-fun. I had a better experience playing Blacklight Retribution than I did this multiplayer entry.
Everything taken into account I have to give Shadow Fall's gameplay a crippling 5/10. It just wasn't there. :(

Sound: Really pretty self explanatory, All your general FPS sort of sounds mixed in with some techno punk remixed robot beeping. For the most part its pretty well done and it adds to the immersion of the environment when you're standing next to a waterfall and it the imagery and audio just makes you want to go pee. If there's any sort of flavor to the sound that I've missed it was probably pretty negligible. Voice acting was sub-par and soundtrack left a lot to be desired, but like I said, they probably devoted most of their budget toward graphics. There's a pretty good example of a game that takes audio to the extreme. Check out Resogun if you guys get the chance I highly recommend this techno themed remix of Ikaruga. Sound gets an 7/10.

Story: Well whats left of it anyways. Like its other predecessors Shadow Fall seeks to reminds us of the horrors and grotesque political nature of war. It seeks to render out all the portions of what's horrible about society as a whole but deliver it in a way that ties into the combat. However, Killzone:Shadow Fall's script is so poorly written that I'd have an easier time finding waldo than the point of the script. There are lengths of the script that are mired in plot holes and missing dialogue that would have otherwise made it a complete experience. The sections that do come through feel, mired in poor acting and just overall overbearing presence of the writers desire to tell the story. You get all of the modern military, broken household, daddy issue tropes you could possibly find in one story. Unfortunately this doesn't make it an easier to relate to the character and by the end of the game you're like whatever. Who the fuck even cares anymore. We've had like 6 games to explore the whole Vektan/Helgan conflict and Shadow Fall delivered an experience that sadly just fell flat on its face. Story gets a 5/10.

Overall Shadow Fall gets a 6.75/10.  Sony/Guerilla definitely could have done better with this. It's a pretty sub-par launch titles that gets drastically overshadowed in re-playability by the other free-to-play entries on the PS4.

Yeah and I'm not going to recommend you pick this title up guys. Just not worth it. If you get a PS4 get BF4,  get KNACK, hell even get FIFA. I just don't recommend this to anyone who isn't already invested in the series and for those that are. I'd suggest you rent it from gamefly or if you can borrow a copy from a friend, do it.

Friday, December 20, 2013

My First Video Unboxing- I feel like a Virgin.

Ok, So this video un-boxing is pretty standard. I open up the package you guys get to see what's inside. As well as some extra peripherals. It's all pretty standard. Unfortunately I have no proper camera or camera stand. I was basically forced to use the most ghetto method I could think of and use my phone's camera to record this.
Holy shit! I actually own the rights to this clip. Actually I'm sure Sony owns a portion of the rights too.

Anyways I hope you guys enjoy I'll try doing more of these as we move along with the progress of this website. I'll also have a video review regarding the performance of the PS4.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Late Sailing into Port, an AC4 Review (PS3)

Yeah this has been in my gaming queue for a while now. I finally got around to it. Granted I still haven't finished it. But, seriously how can you finish a game that leaves you pillaging the high seas. I feel like Blackbeard cept without being dead and what not.

Warning minor spoilers ahead. If you haven't played the game and want to avoid any spoilers what so ever I'd stop reading ahead. If you're ok with some minor spoilers here and there then come, join the Devil's Galleon.

If you were in any way dissapointed in AC3. For example how it held your hand for the first 2 hours of the game, how you didn't even play as Connor until quite a lot of time had passed, how unsatisfyingly Dues Ex Machina the game's story ended. Then you're in for a real treat with this game. I can't say it's as deep story wise I mean you're a pirate pillaging the high seas. There isn't much depth you can wrap into that. However, the bits of data such as the subject 17 files help to flesh out not only your role in this whole grand scheme; but, the bits of Desmond's story that were left rather on a cliffhanger from AC3.

Anyways onwards, to victory lads.

I do not own this image in any way shape or form.

Graphics: After 10 years the last-gen consoles graphics are pushing up daisies. They're trying as best as possible to keep up and sadly it really doesn't deliver. In terms of optimization I think the team ended up trying their best, but the hardware-> sadly very lacking. So while running through towns or running in general in any place with dense foliage, or high amounts of structures, the game gets really choppy. Framerates dip below the acceptable 23 FPS mark, constantly. I've been told it performs much better on the PS4/Xbox One/PC, but I can't validate that for myself. In terms of textures and environments. They're lush and well designed. Again working from last-gen console specs it kinda still needs help. It is what it is. The graphics still get a promising 8/10. The game's ability to visually put you into the driver's seat of being a pirate is still very, very much there.

Gameplay: Perhaps one of the best iterations of gameplay since the Ezio storyline. Granted gameplay hasn't particularly changed all that much from game to game in the Assassin's Creed franchise. But, remember how you felt like an invincible bionic man with Connor. Remember the really Overpowered sword sets you could get just by pre-odering AC3? That's been done away with. You feel quite powerful but its nowhere near as crazy as it was with the last title. Edward still combos quite nicely but, if you're surrounded by 10 people expect to take some damage. You're not getting out unscathed. AI feel dumb as ever, and from time to time I've been known to facepalm at just how dumb they can get. I'd say the AI is much worse this time around. I assassinated people in plain visual sight of other enemies and half the time they don't even take notice. This happens in every one of the games in the franchise but I'd say this has probably been one of the worst offenders in a long time. Moving on, The items are spread out quite evenly across the board. The issue of pacing found in the last game seems pretty non-existent in this version. Despite the flaws in gameplay it still gets a solid 8/10.

I do not own this video but rather use it for demonstrative purposes.
Sound: Never really disappointing in the series. However, sound across the board does feel a little monochrome, when a gun fires it sounds the same as every other gun. I own the pistol set, cannon barrel pistol, you all know that really good set of pistols before you get the legendary one from completing all the naval contracts.  Yeah it doesn't in the least feel or sound like I'm firing a cannon. I was expecting better and more varied sound bits. The timing and coordination of sounds is all well and good but when a broadsword cutlas sounds the same as a French rapier you know they dun gone and fucked up. Sound gets a 7/10 its good across the board but the monochrome really takes away from the experience.

Story: Perhaps the strongest and the weakest portion of the game. I really love how they tried to tie up all the loose ends of Desmond's story with an unknown protagonist, namely you. You're the "new protagonist" that commands Edward Kenway. While this really doesn't help to establish the main storyline it does give a sense of interaction with the story. However, it removes any possibility of great narrative outside of what is available in Kenway's stories. Abstergo is still trying to fuck the world over, there's 1 magical hero that can do it all, that sort of hackneyed plot style. Getting away from that there are also some serious plotholes. I'll give you one example. Early on in the game Edward meets up with Assassin Duncan Walpole, you attack his ship and you end up stranded alone together on an island. Yet, when push comes to shove and you have to chase him down. You're apparently already versed in the skills of parkour, and have the martial skills to take down a fully fledged assassin. Not to mention once you put on the costume. It's like you have full knowledge of exactly how to use all the assassin's gadgets. I'd just like to point that massive plot hole out. In light of all the the story while I haven't finished it has been a delightful romp thus far. I'd say it gets a 7/10.

The game's overall score comes out to a solid 7.5/10. It has its flaws and most of them are caused more or less by the PS3's hardware. It's still vastly enjoyable and much needed return to what made the franchise great. If you haven't picked up a copy of the game yet I'd suggest getting one here

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Notice of Importance!

It's getting harder and harder to keep up with reviewing games. Less time in the day and less available titles. Especially since the PS4/Xbox One have come out and I've been unable to locate one. To continue writing fresh stuff. I'll start defaulting to free-to-plays pretty soon guys. I might even divert attention to writing stuff strictly about League of Legends as that's the game I have the most contact with. As well as the most integration with.

I'm also looking for a job and money has been tight lately. I've submitted my resume to several companies looking for a position in QA, Riot Games being one of them. Morello, whoever, I'm looking at you.

I might even put the website on temporary hiatus while I sort through this mess ( Highly unlikely since I really love doing this. However, if I run out of funds and am unable to continue doing this I will give this idea its proper burial place.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Ultimate Christmas Holiday Shopping Guide for Gamers

Games: What better way to spend the holidays? In front of a screen with your best friend, kid or lover. There's hours and hours of fun just waiting to be had.
  • Battlefield 4
  • Assassin's Creed: Black Flag
  • Pokemon X/Y
  • Legend of Zelda Link Between Worlds
  • Final Fantasy XIV
  • Batman Arkham Origins
  • Grand Theft Auto V
  • Saints Row IV
  • Son of Ryze
  • Killzone ShadowFall
  • Super Mario 3D World
  • Dead Rising 3
Consoles: These will land you on any gamer's awesome list. It's basically saying we should play together. These might also land you in the bed of your favorite gamer after he/she opens them for those gamer couples ;).
  • Xbox One-> Any Bundle
  • PS4-> Any Bundle 
  • 3DS XL-> Pokemon X/Y Bundle + Game or Legend of Zelda bundle with game.
Peripherals: Everyone needs these as a serious gamer, its hard to type sometimes or maybe you need to be faster with your key inputs. Getting this is giving them the equivalent of an edge in the games they love. Nothing says I love you, like giving them the ability to better kill their foe.
  • Razer Naga 2014
  • Razer BlackWidow Ultimate Stealth Gaming Keyboard
  • Razer Deathstalker Ultimate Gaming Keyboard
  • Mad Catz MLG Tournament Edition Arcade Fight Stick
  • Astro A40 Headsets
  • Astro A50 Headsets
  • Planatronics GAMECOM COMMANDER
Other: While this doesn't take as much thought or as much money as the others they're still viable gifts. The person who you get them for should still love you.
  •  Riot Points Gift Cards 25$+
  •  Gamestop Gift Cards 25$+ 
  • Amazon Gift Cards 25$+

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (Review)

While I'm not yet completely finished with the game I'm about 4/7 sages done. However, I feel due to the lack of review in November coupled with the upcoming holiday season I won't be able to put out as many reviews as I might need or want.. Here it is guys the Legend of Zelda a Link Between Worlds review!

Actually it's more like a Link to the Past! That's exactly what this game it's a blast from the past. No its not the same story but it feature the general Zelda trope evil person tries to take over blah blah blah. etc..etc..etc.. You get the gist you have to save Hyrule again! The feel of this game really takes me back to that first Legend of Zelda game released in 1986. If you're a long time fan and have been craving to relive your childhood. This title is definitely for you!

Enough fanboying! on to the Review!

Graphics: The 3DS is not known for its exceptional graphics and unfortunately this is probably where LOZ: LBW falls the shortest. Some of the models look bulky and too cartoony. Thankfully Link and Zelda both look iconic and distinctive enough that despite the poor graphics they're still distinguishable. However, some of the mainstays like the Zora Princess/Queen have been changed far too drastically and their models in my opinion have been poorly done in comparison to Zelda/Link's models of other mainline games. Not everyone will hold the same opinion on this with me, I just felt they could have done a better job. The over world and dungeons are all well done and fit the graphical environments they were set in, The change from domains to domains is very well handled and is reminiscent enough of the past that all long time fans will recognize the transitioning as an iconic sign of the original game. Well placed and ideally used physics have made the game feel and run very smooth. Graphics get a 8/10

Gameplay: Gameplay follows in the original predecessors shoes. Instead of similar to those of Oracle of Ages/Seasons. What newer generation Zelda's have done is guide the player along a free but moderately open path. Whereas the original title allowed you to freely roam as long as you had the items to progress forward. Well that has returned and as always combat feels smooth and well polished. It's still the same hack and slash, but that's also what is good about it. It's not complicated and an easy pick me up title that's ideal for all ages of gamers. I will say this however, the puzzles don't feel nearly as complex or as fun to solve as they used to be. Getting all mainstay "gear" of the series, at the very beginning of the series cheapens puzzle solving. In a lot of cases it tends to destroy any sense of accomplishment and excitement from getting new gear. I've been doing the maiamai recovery quests and Mother Maiamai says she can upgrade your equipment but I've never been able to do it since I don't have any. I don't even know when I'll be getting any of my own stuff... Nevertheless the game is incredibly fun to play and gameplay still gets a solid 8/10.

Sound: Games like this don't tend to have a lot of sounds. LOZ: LBW is no exception. However, it handles its limited sound library very well. I personally think it's also fairly well done considering all that can be contained on that tiny game card. If you hit a rock with a sword you get the correct metallic ping and the like. But, it's a handheld title so it's not like it's super high fidelity sword ringing pings. Sound gets a 10/10 it's good for the platform it's on.

Story: As with any good adventure game the story is the reason you bother even playing. I've enjoyed the robust story thus far. Even though it's a commonly used cookie cutter storyline. It's well thought out and the drama and writing has been superb thus far. Wish there was more voice acting to back it up. But, I'll settle for the occasional HRAHHHH from Link when he swings his sword. There's a deeper meaning behind the story and so far the writing has been prolific despite its use of a common trope. The story can be comprehended at all ages. There are even some easter eggs to be found along the course of the game that help bring the richness of the series together. Story gets a 10/10.

If you haven't picked this game up yet. Definitely find it for the holiday seasons! It's a title worth having a 3DS for!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Battlefield 4 Multiplayer

While the bulk of multiplayer still awaits to be seen (new maps, guns, modes,etc...) the current multiplayer is a well rounded powerhouse that can rightfully compete with Battlefield 3. That being said its still not up to the level that DICE and EA set for themselves with Bad Company 2.

Here's the breakdown

Graphics: Perhaps one of the best parts of the multiplayer if not the best part of the multiplayer. While most gamers don't necessarily appreciate the beauty of good graphics, I find it helps put me in the games universe. Albeit this game is technically in our universe. Anyways diverging from the point, Ultra settings on the PC are super beautiful; I mean like jizz in your pants kind of good. These graphics are easily on par with medium-high level graphics on a dialed up Crysis game. They're also super smooth provided you have enough VRAM to run all of it I'd recommend getting at least nvidia 600 series x2 cards and above. Graphics easily score a 9/10.

Gameplay: The core of this is beautiful, instead of the rigid class formula that was implemented in BF3; BF4 takes you back to the days of almost full customization. Allowing you to pick the weapons you desire on almost any class you desire. I'm back to using battle-esque rifles on Recon. Not much has really changed on game-play front. Frankly it didn't really need to, some minor tweaks to knifing and gun balance make this iteration a lot more enjoyable than the last. Sniping actually feels rewarding and vehicles are overall very balanced. I do find that mortars are a real pain in the ass at times. I mean they're a good weapon to have but they're completely unbalanced with limitless ammo pool and heavy damage. Some release maps are also really poorly designed for certain game modes. Hainan Resort is a good example, its incredibly hard for attackers to get anywhere past the first objective in rush when its an even team balance. Also in terms of destruction which we've all come to love, this one is still lacking compared to BC2, However, definitely an improvement to BF3. Gameplay gets an 8/10.

A clip from one of my favorite players. I do not own the rights to this

Sound: This one takes the cake. The sound is beautiful. Remember those reall unimpressive gun shots from BF3?Well firing that 50 cal M98B makes you feel like a man's man in this game. The sounds are just incredible. High fidelity sounds coupled with powerful gunplay makes you feel like a soldier in the field. It might render you a little deaf if you have your volume turned up high. But, what the hey we do it cause we love it! Sound gets a 10/10 for blowing my expectations straight out of the water.

Replay Value: This is important for any multiplayer game. If something gets old real quick then it loses interest real fast. While many players were disuaged by the horrible releases servers and client errors abound I really feel that in the past week or so EA/DICE have surprisingly delivered some fast and quick fixes to problems. Is that to say all bugs have been eradicated? Heck no and that in my opinion is still effecting replay value for me. But, with plenty of unlocks, achievements and awards to be had. Along with a solid community of friendly players BF4 has a good history to look forward to.
This gets a 7/10 simply for poor handling of release.

Battlefield 4 Multiplayer gets a 8.5/10 . A super solid release compared to perhaps the biggest debacle in the battlefield series BF3.

If you haven't already picked up your copy I highly recommend it this time around. I was disappointed with BF4 Beta but so far this is looking to be a great release both for EA and for DICE.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Battlefield 4 The Story

While the main Battlefield series is not known for its kick ass campaigns I felt this one worthy of mentioning. It's not exactly a full review but a commentary of how it performed under the duress of a gamer. In all terms of the word it is not a worthy storyteller nothing as groundbreaking as say Spec Ops the Line. But it does serve its purpose which is give players a short romp and a sort of introduction to what is to be expected in multiplayer. It does a spectacular job at this. 9/10 times I found the story's level designs to much more engaging and dynamic than the multiplayer. There's more destruction and who doesn't love raw destruction on the big screen or in my case a 17.3'' screen.

The story was far more compelling than Battlefield 3 it has a sort of hidden political message that China is to be feared as the new enemy. However, I feel it pertinent to point out that this is my personal feeling and not necessarily representative of what the game makers were going for. I will say I didn't have as much with the story as I did Bad Company 2 which is by far my favorite storyline of the Battlefield series. It had more fun with itself and took it to a whole new more personable level.

Combat is generic, I will say that the AI has its moments sometimes it can be dumb as a rock or it can be the bane of the game that hunts you down and follows your around corners. It's not tough persay; but it's definitely more engaging than previous Battlefield AI who would stand up and let you shoot them. They duck and change covers, find flanks, etc..etc... They're actually semi intelligent at times. Other times you can walk right in front of them knife them in the throat and nothing will happen.

The character development isn't necessarily good in this one and we again have a faceless un-engageable protagonist. At the end of the story I didn't really feel anything for my squad either. which was a shame because the first few minutes of the game set the tone to be very emotional. All in all I'd say the Singleplayer Campaign didn't fail but it didn't make any grounbreaking leaps forward. Currently multiplayer is still buggy as hell so I have barely touched it.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Batman Arkham Prologue.

It's been a really long time since my last review. I apologize it's been difficult juggling 4 things at once. But, I have the next review!

Batman Arkham Origins but it feels less like an Origin story and one not even centered around the Bat. No the main star of this show is the Joker and more or less his origins interjected with trifiling details regarding the Bat's or Arkham's past for that matter.

I borrowed this video to showcase, I do not own it or have any rights to the material.

However, it's not all doom and gloom. The game actually has a lot of good points and a lot of great combat mechanics.  Gameplay is probably Origins greatest achievement. The older titles really had good combat Origins didn't mess with that and added a few new tools to the Bat's Arsenal. Story wise this probably isn't a great idea. It doesn't conceptually make sense when items appear in a prequel where they aren't in a chronological sequel. However, it does make for some very fun and very new ways to combat your opponents. There is one detracting factor from all of this. The only part I get to play as someone else is when I'm in the Joker's head and it was really fun, really fresh and that lasted all but five minutes. I wish they'd had something akin to Arkham City where they switch between Catwoman and the Bat. Some might see it another way. There's plenty to do around the city and the new skill tree is a definitive plus. Gameplay still gets an amazing 8/10.

Graphics compared to the first two you shouldn't be surprised that the graphics have improved. But, here's my spin Arkham Origins has much MUCH better optomization. I ran Origins and City with roughly the same settings and I got much better performance in frames when I was playing Origins. They added some nice new graphical features that made use of Nvidia's PhysX engine which really made me happy. It really immerses you into the game you almost sometimes lose yourself swinging around the city. Even during combat with 8+ baddies the frames drop very little leading to great usage of tools. Graphics 10/10, it both looks amazing and performs amazing well done WB.

Story is probably the weakest. I was engaged at some points but other points I was just like meh. The pacing is really poor In my opinion I was always doing something but never doing anything. Sure I got to meet the villains and connect the dots but the primary focus was on the Joker. Despite all the promotion of Black Mask and the Assassins I didn't feel any obligation to Sionis or any large role in the story other than the fact I had to chase him. It doesn't even do a good job at bridging the gaps and has to have a handheld console version Origins Blackgate flesh out the story between Catwoman and the Bats. Again like I said above it felt like a rehash of a lot of story points but nothing really brought it together. Story gets a 5/10, was sorely disappointing and I wish I got to play and understand more.

Sound is key to a lot of things after all its one of our fives senses, WB doesn't disappoint. With high fidelity headsets on I can hear the snow crunch beneath my bat boots and every nuance while swinging around. When I'm stepping on the metal grates in the Batcave I feel like if I were taken there walking around inside as I hear the metal clang and the faint sounds of the cave.This game is a real treat if u have a 7.1 Surround Headset such as the Razer Tiamat 7.1 or Plantatronics GameCom Commander. Absolute 10/10 here.

I definitely had a lot of fun with the game and when I have free time I'll definitely go back and finish some side missions. However, it feels like more of the same from the past. It's just more fleshing out of the story from is predecessors City/Asylum. It's not a particularly fresh take on the series but definitely a solid submission into the franchise. I'd recommend you'd play it if you love Batman or if you've played the other games. It's also a great entry title for those new to the series.

I haven't tried multiplayer I probably won't; I don't think its worth playing but perhaps I'm wrong and a reader would enlighten me at a later point.The game gets an overall score of 8.2/10.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Pokemon Y Review

I promised myself at the end of Pokemon Black 2 that I would stop playing the series. Months later Pokemon X and Y were announced. I still didn't want to get into it. After a while I caved I wanted to experience Mega Evolution for myself.

I'm now 2 badges in and my 6 man team is close to lvl 40. I'm pretty addicted to this game, in the healthiest of ways of course. It may just be novelty or it may be the actual game, but this pokemon game is probably the best. I say this having played since the first iteration Red and Blue. It's not because of this generations Pokemon, definitely not, in fact this generation is probably the weakest in my opinion in terms of design and creativity. However, the new generation game included a lot of what the franchise/series had been lacking for a good many years.
Note I do not claim ownership of this video and are using for demonstration only.

Mini-games are one of the biggest things for this game I loved playing the slot machines in the first game. Here they take mini-games and turn it into meaningful skill games. Gone are the days of RNG luck. In Pokemon-Amie the new way to interact with your Pokemon, you're given three games to play on varying difficulty with unlimited mode being quite crazy. However, it's not crazy enough that it'll make you want to quit and the tasks are simple enough that a kid can play it and still feel good even if he or she doesn't get the high score.

They also have a stat training program which I haven't quite figured out yet that promotes a bunch of skill based soccer related mini-games. Some of them are pretty difficult but they're super useful in increasing your Pokemon's base stats or so the instructions said. I still haven't seen any particular effect in actual battle but perhaps I haven't been paying attention enough.

The 6th generation of Pokemon, is however probably the weakest design wise some Pokemon are completely unimaginative like Klefki and Scatterbug. They are very cute and this might appeal towards female gamers more. However, the overall span of creativity seems to have died a lot. The only real Pokemon that I've been mildly impressed with Honedge and its evolutions.

The nice part of this genre is the update to the graphics and animations that was much needed after 5 generations of relative similarity. The new particle effects as well as individualized animations for almost all 700+ pokemon is quite an impressive feat. There are also some minor tweaks to the looks of old classics like Pikachu, females and males have different tails (for other Pokemon it might be other things). The new 3D while limiting the audience to buy a new 3DS does its job spectacularly while not placing too much strain where unneeded such as during travel, etc... the game look stunning both with 3D and 3D off so its your choice. I recommend 3D being off if you're in an area where your moving a lot as 3D tends to make you sick if you move around a lot.

Don't fix what's not broken, is what this franchise  follows 6 generations later and combat hasn't really changed all that much since the first generation. Yeah there have been many additions of Pokemon types and a plethora of new moves, but the core combat has not changed since my good old childhood. That's probably one of the best moves, people love nostalgia and while it may feel old the new title in the series makes it feel fresh and rewarding. I give Pokemon X and Y an outstanding score of 9/10.

If you haven't already picked up your copy of the game, then get one here at Amazon. I recommend a guide for quick reference as well as information to help build your team. I don't quite have one yet, but I've been playing since Gen 1 for those of your just starting I'd recommend getting the guide.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Beyond Two Souls- Review

Beyond Two Souls is the fourth in quanticdream's gaming library and like its predecessor Heavy Rain  is a venture out of the ordinary game realm, both literally and metaphorically speaking. The story puts you in the shoes of Jodie a strange girl who has weird circumstances surrounding her. She's not quite like your normal girls and there's nothing natural about who she is. We follow her through her recollection of life or at least what seems to be the most important parts of it. This is for the player to gauge whether its true or not.

I do not own this image and am merely borrowing it for demonstration purposes.
Setting that preview aside lets get into the meat of this review.

Graphics: Lets start with this since this is perhaps the most impressive. The godly motion capture done by quantic is put to good use in this game emotions come alive and characters having an endless life to them because of this stunning and well put together process. Faces move much like they would in real life instead of mechanically. Cinematic quality graphical work as well as camera angles help add to the feel that you're not in a game but rather an interactive movie. This is both good and bad and I'll highlight that later on. The only gripe I have with the graphics is their crying it looked completely unnatural next to their character's movements. The tear droplets don't form naturally and don't fall naturally so I was really taken aback as it seemed it was plastered on last second. Environments as well as character models are well designed and thought out. Although one may argue that using the faces of Ellen Page and William DaFoe isn't exactly creativity at its finest. I argue that it fits the type of game they're making. Cinema should beget cinema. 8/10 on the graphics

Gameplay: This is where in my opinion Quantic dreams falls tragically short both in their previous title Heavy Rain and in this title Beyond Two Souls. The same sort of layout with quick time event button presses and interactive scenes returns but now they've added this clunky combat and movement system. This is something I really didn't like as compared to Heavy Rain, they took out all of the complexity that made Heavy Rain fun and replaced it with a far too simplistic system that is both difficult to use and displeasing to handle. Events happen at a nice pace however, there is no directional cue which leads to lots of events where you kinda wing it without any idea if you're hitting the correct buttons or not. I whiffed by a lot of events with barely any understanding of what I was doing, as well as not actually failing any events. I don't think I failed a single combat scenario even though in that brief combat scene I failed several quick time events. I'm not sure if there is a system in place that prevents failure but that takes away any challenge that was present in the game. Seriously disappointing as it makes the game seem like an interactive storybook which is fine if you're into that sort of game. Gameplay gets a 5.5/10. The challenge is not completing the events but guessing within a short 1 second time window what input you're supposed to use.

This is a nice demonstration and comparison between Heavy Rain and BTS. I do not own this clip and all rights go to the owner who made it. MrVG247

Sound: Music and voices are well done and I feel all the emotions I would in a movie. Everything from the rain that dripped on the roofs to the crying and panic in a characters voice. It was all deeply moving voice and sound. I did however, have a complaint regarding Jodie's crying which sounded synthetic at certain times. Like it was forced and that may have been due to how the actor decided to artistically take that approach. I didn't like it, you may. I give the sound a solid 8/10.

Story: This is perhaps on of the best areas of the game and probably needs the least explanation. Like with Heavy Rain, Beyond Two Souls takes you on the emotional roller coaster of a real life movie. Only you're much more involved as you're making the choices for your character. Each decision you make takes you down a different path to an ending that is different on many different levels. Small decisions impact specific details in the endings and the well written script draws you in like any A class movie would. I don't have any particular faulting of the story except that its jumps around a lot and it doesn't make sense why its jumping around a lot until the end of the game. This leave you rather confused at first, but each individual scenario/scene generates its own sort of story attachment as well as feeling. Story gets a 8.5/10

Overall I give the game a 7.5/10. It's a solid entry in the gaming market but the combat dragged the game down a lot. The lack of any real challenge also detracts from what makes a game fun in my opinion. However, the story and other individual categories really make up for what is lacking. If you haven't already purchased the game I definitely recommend at least one playthrough a used copy from Amazon or a rental copy from gamefly perhaps.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Leaping into Motion or Not?

The Leap Motion a relatively new gadget that offers up the chance to for you to interact with your computer like Tony Stark interacts with his Iron Man suit. Only problem is technology isn't that good yet and yeah we don't have an Iron Man suit. Jokes aside lets look at the device itself.

Its an infrared scanning platform that allows detection of all of your fingers nifty huh? yeah kinda so to speak it is pretty nifty problem being that its firmware isn't well polished enough for it to be nifty. The device alone has plenty of potential but poor firmware releases and functionality with a 2D surface surface don't particularly make sense. This would in my mind, work really well with a 3D monitor or TV given then fact that it digitizes your fingers into individual nodes of manipulation.

The problem is without haptic feedback its hard to tell whether or not you've exactly hit something or not; not to mention free float targeting of tiny icons is incredibly difficult to perform. Its like a juggling act with one hand.

Couple this with the fact that the Leap Motions only useful app is its interaction with animation software Maya and suddenly it becomes less than important. It's an innovative and a fun idea but execution is not that great. This results in a system that is difficult to use and defeating its original purpose of simplifying a field of interaction.

Without proper support and usefulness I have to give the Leap Motion a disappointing 5/10 I was hoping for a product that would upgrade my interaction with my computer but that most likely won't be happening for a long time.


Friday, October 4, 2013

Not a review but probably far more entertaining

One of my favorite channels on youtube is KurtHugoSchneider in celebration of the release of the new pokemon X and Y soon Kurt and youtube crew made a dubstep remix featuring the original show's opening theme. Enjoy guys and if you would like to pre-order the game just scroll down to my unboxing post and you'll be able to pre-order on Amazon or if you'd like use Kurt's link either way enjoy this video.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Nintendo X+Y 3DS Bundle Unbox

Sorry guys I completely forgot about writing the un-boxing for this bundle even though I took the photos the day of release. This Bundle is not really a bundle but a really nice custom Nintendo 3DS XL in a box. It's incredibly misleading since most Bundles often include a game this one sadly does not. In my opinion this was highly disappointing.

However, it's a really beautiful Pokemon themed 3DS XL its got all the standard layouts as well as gadgets that come with the normal 3DS XL's however the Pokemon themed art on the 3DS itself as well as the high polish gloss finish are both really nice editions. If you haven't gotten a 3DS yet I really recommend this one as it fits the purpose you'll need it for in a nice convenient package. Both the X or the Y Bundle are good depending on your color preferences. I do however have to note that the build quality especially around the SD port is of low quality trying; to open the SD port I sometimes ended up almost peeling back the exterior casing. I give the Bundle a 7/10 stars the price is good as well as the nice custom graphics. However, Nintendo loses points for not including the game and sub-par build quality.

KentaTakashi's Nintendo XY 3DS album on Photobucket
If you haven't yet puchased a copy of the game you can click below to buy from Amazon. I also recommend getting a guide for parents wanting to play the game with their children.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

BF4 Beta Review a dissapointing sequel

If you've been through enough betas to know what a beta looks like and feels like then you're in my boat. If not listen closely, while anything beta represents unpolished work this is essentially the final product, you know minus a few tweaks, patches, and balances changes. That being said having spent nearly an entire day with the beta I'm sorely disappointed with it, what made the battlefield series great is gone. EA has taken what hardcore battlefield fans loved and turned it into something I wouldn't even wipe my ass with. As with the last beta the product feels highly unpolished.

There are problems with spawning, bugs that cause you to glitch through buildings, and graphical errors when certain sequences of actions are strung together. This was to be expected. I felt it fair to give you guys who want to demo the game a heads up.

The biggest issues driver and graphics optimization. It runs great for me but this is one of the largest problems whether its with Nvidia or with the game itself lots of people have been having graphical infidelity and lag. The graphics look really spectacular on Ultra, but I think that's the only improvement from BF3->BF4.

Shooting mechanics have been dumb down from 3 going into 4. Bullet drop has been reduced and sniper shots from nearly 2 football fields away barely drop. The recoil mechanic familiarized heavily by gameplay in BFBC2 and earlier games is almost completely gone. Recoil is so easily manageable that its laughable. The destruction mechanic that made BFBC2 a success has been watered down to the point of no return. Granted my entire day was spent only a single stage (Siege of Shanghai) but the amount of destructibility has been drastically reduced even from 3 going into 4. (The sides of many skyscrapers are indestructible; I even rammed a helo into one of the buildings, not even a scratch.

I think the highlight of my stage exploration was riding an elevator which I do admit was a rather fun new mechanic. Setting that aside the combat has turned more into CoD style play and I often find myself running and gunning instead of planning any sort of offensive or defensive. (It gets the job done and its a lot less strain on the brain. Sadly its because of this that Battlefield is dying.) The return to non-linear game play in multiplayer was too little too late. The ability to fire back at other from the water is also a nice edition, but barely noticeable and very conditional (to the presence of deep water).
I do not own this image or the game. I am merely borrowing this for demonstrative purposes.

I think this is going to be the last time I spend money on a Battlefield game. I'm sorry guys but EA put the nail in the coffin with this one. Their recent history with games signals a time to move on and look to other developers for games that are truly entertaining. I will still do a full review of the single-player as well as the multiplayer upon release, However, do not hold your breath guys, this is not looking like a keeper.

BF4 Beta

The Beta phase for BF4 has started ladies and gents I will be on playing as KentaTakashi and I hope you all will join me. In other news I have no forgotten about the sight or my reviews and expect to see a review of the leap motion controller by tomorrow. I'm trying to stretch out the reviews I do as much as possible until the next wave of games arrives. Sorry for the lack of posts I hope you guys will continue reading

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Back in Motion

It's been a lazy couple of days with reviews. Working on KH Remix 1.5 right now but as with all RPG games its a long grind and a review wont be done until all 3 titles in the remix have at least been sampled. I'll soon be bringing reviews on the LEAP Motion controller, Pokemon Y, Pokemon X+Y ds bundle unboxing/reviews, as well as many more october and november releases soon to come please look forward to them ^^ Thanks for reading guys and gals :)

Sunday, September 22, 2013

GTA V Review delayed until PC release

While I do want to review the game I'm no longer a big console player and the modding community that supports PC games makes these types of sandbox games so much more entertaining. Hopefully Rockstar doesn't wait to long and keep us in too much suspense

Friday, September 20, 2013

Reviews will be slow

Reviews will be slow for a month or so most of the good games are coming out mid-late October- to early-mid November there won't be much to review till then. I will try to keep up with tech in the meantime as well as review a few free to play games in the meantime

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Trading Depth for Depth XCOM The Bureau

If any of you have been interested in XCOM the Bureau lately hold your excitement and read this review. While the Bureau does bring a new approach to the XCOM series it fails on a few key categories detracting from the original draw to the world of XCOM. As with other titles in the series this one starts off with an alien invasion; this time the usually mysterious commander is given a name and a role in battlefield combat. William Carter becomes the focal point of the story in an unpredictable accident from that point on we get into the story. It's not much different from other invasion stories and XCOM hasn't really been known for its storytelling so much as its renowned tactical combat.

  • Combat is fun, new, and intuitive offering many solutions for each combat scenario
  • Unlimited possibilities during combat allow you to fight the fight you want.
  • Graphics are superb for and the animations are for the most part very smooth
  • The challenge is there the difficulty jump from Squaddie to Veteran is worlds apart and Veteran will pretty much make you want to cry like a little girl if you're unfamiliar with XCOM's system or 3rd person shooters.
  • The story progresses far too fast, there are sadly too few missions and other things for my taste and reaching the tipping point in the story comes far too fast compared to other XCOMs.
  • Decision making regarding missions tends to feel pretty limited there's only a few choices in what you can tell your HQ to do and build and they feel like they have no impact.
  •  The upgrades are super simplified for this titles something that really made other XCOM's really really special.
  • Enemies feel super recycled not from the series but within the game a good portion of it will having you fight the same enemies 10~ enemies for many levels. 
  • It feels like Mass Effect, but more hardcore, this is not necessarily a good or bad thing but its formula detracts from what originally made XCOM. It plays like a 3rd person shooter but is far more tactical that the snap to cover systems we're all used to TPS using. Yet its not quite as free flowing since there's no actual jump mechanic and weapon customization is pretty limited.
Overall XCOM is a good game but it tries to be something its not and that really takes away from the hardcore XCOM fanbase. the lack of squad customization really hurts the game instead of helping the TPS element it introduced.  I give XCOM a 6.5/10 it tries but it falls a little flat and becomes a lonely title in the sea of RTS, TPS, and Tactical shooters.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

League of Legends S3 World Champs starting!

I chose a funny time to post, its time to celebrate as today is the start of the S3 world championships for League of Legends. While I have been off the ranked/competition circuit for a while now and haven't been following the new META at all it's always fun to watch skilled players duke it out!
I'm rooting for NaJin Sword and TSM tune in to find out on Oct 4 who the champs will be!

Friday, September 13, 2013

The problem solved itself

For whatever reason the code broke and then hours later after much tinkering was fixed. But on to the more important news Amazon is having a sale on Saints Row IV for those of you who haven't purchased the game yet now would be a good time!

Get in on this rough sex romp! Don't miss out on the madness that defines the era get your copies now!

Photobucket not working?

I dunno what the fuck happened but apparently the photobucket code is fucked up, the result being that the SS of SRIV don't show up. If you click on view all images you should be able to see the full extent of the album please bear with me while I try to figure out wtf happened to my slideshow. The images are still in the album on my photobucket account but they don't display on the slideshow which is confusing.

On another note to my readers that follow my blog strictly through blogger I now have a facebook page that everyone can like and link to easier as I increase activity on blogspot I will also increase activity on the facebook site. The bulk of the review will still be done here but on the facebook page I will post random stuff I find :).

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Saints Row IV Review

It's a shame I didn't pre-order the game sooner but I didn't really have any money to get the super wub wub edition or game of the generation edition. Both are great premium goodie packs and the fact that I missed out on getting them has made me rather upset but anyways on to the review!
This is easily a great game however, there are some faults that really detract from the game mainly the graphics and the environment. The facial animations as well as overall graphical quality is pretty poor for this generation of game a lot of the characters faces that were well developed in sr2-3 have been severely mangled, mainly Kinzie from SR3 and Pierce from the main game line. Pierce doesn't even look like Pierce anymore (poor Pierce).

That being said, its hard not to have fun with this game at its core is mass murder, ridiculous antics, funny cliches its all there wrapped up in a pretty package. Here are some images of testifiable fun

KentaTakashi's SRIV SS album on Photobucket
Shooting aliens in the face, running around topless, killing furries yeah that's all in there. Oh did I mention there's more? Most of the stuff that made SR3 a well polished success are back genki bowl, ridiculous weapons, ruthless disregard for morality. Sadly this is also one of the detracting factors for the game. A lot of the game's elements feel slapped together from previous Saints Rows and while the re-addition of a particular gang member was welcomed the overall feel of the quests and missions felt disjointed. At times it even felt like it was poorly prepped. It certainly didn't help that mid-project THQ went bankrupt, this rendition felt rough, but because its a return to the insanity we all know and love it's still enjoyable. Saints Row IV gets a solid 7/10 :)


While it's a little unorthodox for me to post about tech not directly following the main line of gaming.However, I felt that this particular idea/product was worth sharing since the mobile gaming market is one of the fastest growing. So how many times have you guys upgraded your phone in the past 3 years? How many times do you wish you could just hold on to the same platform but upgrade components to make your phone faster without having to trade your phone in, re register your contacts, your calendars,etc... I'm kinda tired even though the process has been made much easier with new phones it still become a headache at times, roll in the phoneblok mobile device.
It's a revolutionary new idea, In that it a compartmentalized phone that can be upgraded as pleased leading easily to a new way of experiencing your device. Here's a clip for you guys:
I've joined the movement to support the phone's development It seems like a promising new venture that can easily replace a lot of undesired functionality and build a phone truly custom to your likes and needs.

You can click on the website below for a bit more information!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://phonebloks.com/

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I've been rather neglectful of the reader...

Lately I've felt I've lost readers for whatever reason. Whether it be poorly written articles or lack of content, etc... Anyways about a week ago I had considered a a referral program with the person with the highest referrals as the winner of a prize I am planning a competition for the near future with attractive prizes that you guys will love. Yes revel in those sexy prizes, anyways... As soon as planning is finished and the referral system is implemented I will begin this competition. Oh and when the game goes back on sale too.... Yeah that's kinda important right? XD

Monday, September 9, 2013

Just picked up SR: IV

I just picked up Saints Row IV on Steam look out for a review of the game soon in other news: I'm rather tired. Lots of reviews coupled with non stop practice on 3d modeling leaves a man very tired.

FFXIV: ARR In-Depth Review

Ok so it's been to weeks, I admit it has been a combination of laziness, business, and absorbedness ( yes I just made up a word) that has contributed to the lateness of this review.

FFXIV: ARR has been out for a week now and although every WoW fanboy has a stick so far up their ass that they can't appreciate how awesome FFXIV is, I in fact can. So lets get down to the nitty gritty, the game has come up as only one word in my mind and that is fabulous. This review will be different from my other ones which list general pros and cons and will outline four major areas of any game: Story, Gameplay, Sound, Graphics.

Story: The story in FFXIV: ARR without giving any spoilers is a reminder of what good storytelling can really do. As a testament to how good the story is most MMO gamers should realize this by now but most players skip the story it tends to be inconsequential, poorly written, and just an overall mess. For FFXIV this is NOT the case, while I have not finished the story yet (Lvl 40 MNK) the parts that I have finished are filled with wonder and amazement, not only is the story cohesive but it actually makes you want to pay attention. (Amazing, right?) While there are no sweet Final Fantasy super CG animated cut scenes, save for the opening, the ones that do exist are quite good and keep you locked into this emotional roller coaster in the story. I give the story a 9/10

Gameplay: As with any good game  good game play will make or break a game and while FFXIV:ARR isn't what most people would want as an ideal combat system, it certainly blazes its own little niche in game play. FFXIV revolves around tab-target combat. Hold on before you guys start screaming how old and boring this combat system can get give me a few minutes to elaborate. While the bulk of the combat is tab-target it isn't a stand-still hit-chu and take damage to the face kind of tab target (although I've seen a lot of players do that irregardless). The tab-target in FFXIV:ARR fuses with free-form open world movement meaning to dodge spells, AoE's, DoT's you actually have to use timing and your brain! (Yay brainpower!). Positioning becomes crucial for tanks and healers as the levels drag on and you'll see some elitism for harder dungeons because yes they are that hard. Aside from combat the game features dynamic events called FATES (which are currently everyone's gripe) since later levels require grinding these bad boys, as well as a well varied list of quest types. Although after a while the questing does become kind of repetitive, the well varied quest lists will keep you interested for a good long while. I give gameplay an 8/10, simply because I'm still not a fan of tab-target combat.
(Once I get proper permissions for youtubers I will link combat here for now please settle for a picture of combat).
Sound: This is sadly where I think FFXIV: ARR falls the shortest and also is one of the highest, it'll make more sense as you read. A lot of the cut scenes are unvoiced this is really sad since the JP release has full voiced cut scenes there also is no option to change to a JP voice pack so those of us who don't have those voice samples are sadly missing out on a lot. To add to this is the lack of NPC voices, some might consider this annoying but a part of me wishes shopkeepers, main quest line npcs, and background npcs had a say in things even if they're stupidly reused lines. Ok now for the highpoint the soundtrack in the game is one of the most beautiful in a long time long time. MMOs have really struggled to make music enjoyable especially when you hear the same damnable song 2000 times but FFXIV does a spectacular job. I've listened to the Chocobo riding songs at least 600+ times now and I'm still not tired of it. Because of the lack of voice overs and proper npc audio I have to give sound a 7/10. :(
Note: I do not own this music, nor did I publish it I just wanted to give you a sample.

Graphics: Graphics, while not important to some; I'd say to a lot of new generation gamers is important. For me its a pretty big factor whether or not I become immersed in a world, is largely due to the graphical beauty in a game. FFXIV: ARR delivers in most senses. environment looks spectacular in all zones, the maps are varied, the weather is well optimized (for PC at least), the textures are stunning. etc... The thing the graphics fall short on right now is character models/armor models and textures. The Elezen look horribly mis-proportioned (I'm not talking about heights, etc... its the relation of head size to body size and its completely out of whack, whether or not this was an artistic choice I don't know but my Elezen female has a body far too big for her head. The armor models and texture is another big thing lots of reused armor models from lvl 1-30 and the textures on some of the armors are really bad. At close range even on maxed settings on PC they look horribly under-textured. I'm hoping this in large part is due to the choice to release FFXIV:ARR in DX9 script instead of DX11 and hopefully with the PS4 release of the game will be rectified. Graphics get an 8/10, despite the problems it really is a beautiful game to look at.

This reviewer gives FFXIV: ARR a harsh but fair score of 32/40 or 8/10. It's an amazing game and any true mmoer will be drawn to play it. I have been in love with it since I started and with more amazing content to come in patches later on FFXIV: ARR will have a long long life span.

Also I understand that digital sales have been restricted and are still restricted but when the game finally goes back on sale if my readers could help support me please purchase below.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Razer Naga 2014 (R)

So after much delay and testing here comes the review for the Razer Naga 2014 Right hand mouse. I specify right hand because there is a left hand edition that I obviously can't review, I'm not ambidextrous :(. Anyways on to the bulk of the review. The Naga 2014 is in a word fabulous.

  • New 2014 ergonomics feels amazing, much better than the old Razer Naga design with the swappable side plates
  • 12 angled mechanical buttons are amazing compared to the original non-audible response squishy buttons.
  • hooks in with very little problems, almost all plug and play you'll still want to download razer synapse 2.0 but very much bug free.
  • response times are spot on, the mouse operates latency free which is big when you need every millisecond to count toward your DPS.
  • Fully customizable buttons, the synapse software takes the Naga to the next level.
  • The lack of swappable plates makes the mouse a little bulkier than the original on the width side. With the original Naga you could swap for one of the less defined side plates. 
  •  The Naga Epic has not reached to the 2014 edition so the mouse is sadly wired only. :(
  • Back light on the mouse is not color adjustable. You figured they would have changed this by now but I guess not.
  • It does not recognize right ctrl vs left ctrl. So to speak it does not differentiate the position of the keys it binds to.

Overall the quality of this mouse is great. It doesn't feel flimsy, the button presses are crisp and clear defined, the ergonomics feel amazing. This reviewer gives  the Razer Naga 2014 a 9.0/10. It's got a few faults but the mouse comes out in spades in most aspects. Clearly Razer has outdone themselves in revamping one of their all time best mice.a

To come soon is a review of FFXIV: ARR I've been so absorbed lately with 3D Modeling and other stuff that I've been unable to play properly. 

Friday, September 6, 2013

Just an update

With all the stuff going on in life I haven't had time to post a review or anything lately. Don't be worried I haven't forgotten about my blog. Coming soon is a tech review accompanied by the FFXIV review I promised so sorely to you guys. I'm having trouble tearing myself away from that game to do much of anything else in life.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Closeups of the art cards

I bring these to you backed by popular demand for closeups and more detailed pictures. My apologies that there is glare as I do not have a proper studio or lighting equipment.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Splinter Cell Blacklist Review

I promised a review of this game! Do not fret if things are late... I really love my games as I'm sure all of you do as well. Anyways... Splinter Cell is easily one of the best TPS (Third Person Shooters) to enter the market in recent memory. It's face paced action, smart combat, and insurmountable challenge make you feel like a special ops operator.

  • Engrossing and fun combat, going full ghost on any single stage can be a challenge to the average gamer.
  • Integration of all its elements are well put together, topped off with the paladin flying HQ
  • The story is really well done, Tom Clancy rarely disappoints with these stories though.
  • There is no "correct" way to play you determine how you wanna do every scenario, giving you free reign to silently slice throats or blow your enemies into dust.
  • Plenty of re-playability, perfectionist mode will make you want to cry.
  • Enemies actually feel intelligent, this is most apparent when you set off an alarm.
  • Supports a 2 person co-op something sorely lacking from a lot of games.
  • For the PS3 the graphics did leave something to be desired especially regarding the textures on Sam's Echelon suits
  • At times the game can be really challenging almost deterring you from continuing
  • Combat can feel repetitive if played for too long, this is because if you want all your achievements you'll be forced to play a specific way for the duration of that level.
  • Enemies can get tiring, there really isn't a lot of variety with enemies. But, its a shooter so this is only a small con. 
All in all the game is an absolute must have IMO. This game really caters to the really hardcore though, I give it an 8.8/10 It lost points in graphics and a few small problems I found while playing the game.

PS: This review only covers the single player/co-op campaign.I have yet to play Mercs VS Spies. (this mode review will be carried out on a much later date)

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

FFXIV: ARR How to log in!

Currently Square is working tirelessly on bringing up more data centers and servers to acommodate the massive amount of people who purchased and are intending to play the game, as a result a lot of the servers are closed to both character creation and log ins. The nice thing is that most of you should be able to get on JP servers if you can't get on NA servers (It plays just as smooth, if not better). However, if you've already created a new character on one of the NA/EU servers then here's a tip for you all to logging in. Congestion hours are highest between 1:00PM( EST) -12:00AM (EST) After this period I advise you to log in either around 3:00AM or early morning 8:30~9:30 AM (EST) and just keep your character logged in. There is currently no system in place that boots players for inactivity [other than an unstable internet connection xD].

Bear with them as they work on this problem I know it can be frustrating but 150,000 people logged in at once during beta 4 [World Record]. We should acknowledge that they didn't expect this many people. I'm even quite surprised to hear of this myself. Most MMOs don't accommodate this many people at once its no wonder there's been a slew of login and server related issues.

For those of you who were able to play

Server: Diabolos
IGN: Nodoka Miyazaki.

See you in Eorzea fellow gamers ! more coverage on other games to come soon. I think however, FFXIV will absorb me and all aspect of my life xD

PS: If you are afraid you wont be able to play with friends, just be aware that Square has already slated that world transfers will be available mid September.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

FFXIV: ARR CE Edition Unboxing (PC)

Well its here its the launch date of FFXIV: ARR having played almsot all throughout Early Access I am happy to say I have changed my opinion of the game and all skepticisms have been cleared and wiped from my mind. THIS IS THE GAME to get if you're into MMORPGS. Combat is fun and exciting, story is fulfilling and well written, and there is plenty to do. The greatest enemy of new mmos is the lack of content. Experienced MMOers can blow through the entirety of the content in weeks. I'm happy to see that even the most seasoned veterans wont be getting bored anytime soon with FFXIV: ARR.

 Here comes the un-boxing ceremony drum roll please!

I'm sorry this is sideways Photobucket hates me.
Next we have some a stunning view of the slip cover and box cover side by side.
An inside view of the collector's edition mmm the artbook is sexy ;).
Dam you photobucket!!!!

Mmmm look at all those nice goodies Square Enix never does disappoint when it comes to physical goodies. There's also a bunch of other digital stuff but I can't show that to you yet :P. Those codes are mine :D. If you haven't yet picked up your copy of the game it is most likely to  late for a physical CE edition but you can pony up for the next best thing.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

FFXIV: Early Access!

Yes folks it began yesterday and yes my good friends it is plagued with problems. Those of you who joined me yesterday for fun in Diabolos have realized now that the server is plagued with downtime. However, I would not ask you to get mad at Square Enix because of this. Anyone who has played a fresh launch mmo should realize this now the first few days or weeks are always the rockiest . Why? It hasn't been tested under nearly the same strain during beta, as a full release would have. I'm actually kinda glad they had this early access period. I know it sucks that because of all these bugs and down times we're kinda wasting early access time but, let me offer you a rebuttle.

Would you rather have had an August 27th launch where everything was broken and even more people were in playing causing more issues? Yeah... didn't think so. Bugs aside I think those of us who are able to talk this process with a grain of salt are really enjoying the game. I usually hate tab-target mmos because they get boring fast. However, I'm actually have a lot of fun with FFXIV.

Here's my initial review.

Graphics: Nothing special outside of the environment. Outside the environment the graphics look really bad... I mean really bad... The armor looks poorly textured, texturization and animation feel stiff for npcs, etc... That being said The world itself looks fantastic, the monsters are varied, the environment looks spectacular, etc... The graphics problem may be solved when the implementation of the DX11 support goes live, or if it has gone live maybe some kind soul will release a HD texture pack. Naoki Yoshida and team support mods for the game.

Combat: Combat is a little stiff especially compared to TERA's combat but all in all its a deep immersive combat. I'm playing the monk and in no part do I feel like I'm just clicking and waiting for shit to happen. I'm actually having to position myself to get the best dps, which is a refreshing in between for tab-target mmos.

Story, Lore and Everything else: I'm not far enough into the story to judge how good it is but from what I've played so far I'm pretty happy. Finally an mmo with an enriching story is it as good as say FFX, FFVII and its main line counterparts debatabely no. But, from an mmo standpoint this is a real step forward. Soundtracks are varied and beautiful, as with all FF games the soundtrack is one of the best parts of the game and FFXIV: ARR does not dissapoint.

Well that's all for the preview. More to come soon for FFXIV: ARR.
If you're playing currently
IGN: Nodoka Miyazaki
Server: Diabolos
Class/Lvl: Pugilist/ 15

Come join me and my linkshell for some fun if you're looking for someone to play with !!