Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Trading Depth for Depth XCOM The Bureau

If any of you have been interested in XCOM the Bureau lately hold your excitement and read this review. While the Bureau does bring a new approach to the XCOM series it fails on a few key categories detracting from the original draw to the world of XCOM. As with other titles in the series this one starts off with an alien invasion; this time the usually mysterious commander is given a name and a role in battlefield combat. William Carter becomes the focal point of the story in an unpredictable accident from that point on we get into the story. It's not much different from other invasion stories and XCOM hasn't really been known for its storytelling so much as its renowned tactical combat.

  • Combat is fun, new, and intuitive offering many solutions for each combat scenario
  • Unlimited possibilities during combat allow you to fight the fight you want.
  • Graphics are superb for and the animations are for the most part very smooth
  • The challenge is there the difficulty jump from Squaddie to Veteran is worlds apart and Veteran will pretty much make you want to cry like a little girl if you're unfamiliar with XCOM's system or 3rd person shooters.
  • The story progresses far too fast, there are sadly too few missions and other things for my taste and reaching the tipping point in the story comes far too fast compared to other XCOMs.
  • Decision making regarding missions tends to feel pretty limited there's only a few choices in what you can tell your HQ to do and build and they feel like they have no impact.
  •  The upgrades are super simplified for this titles something that really made other XCOM's really really special.
  • Enemies feel super recycled not from the series but within the game a good portion of it will having you fight the same enemies 10~ enemies for many levels. 
  • It feels like Mass Effect, but more hardcore, this is not necessarily a good or bad thing but its formula detracts from what originally made XCOM. It plays like a 3rd person shooter but is far more tactical that the snap to cover systems we're all used to TPS using. Yet its not quite as free flowing since there's no actual jump mechanic and weapon customization is pretty limited.
Overall XCOM is a good game but it tries to be something its not and that really takes away from the hardcore XCOM fanbase. the lack of squad customization really hurts the game instead of helping the TPS element it introduced.  I give XCOM a 6.5/10 it tries but it falls a little flat and becomes a lonely title in the sea of RTS, TPS, and Tactical shooters.

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